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Destination Boat Clubs Carolinas™


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What is a boat club exactly? Maybe you’ve heard little about them. Hopefully, after spending a little time browsing our site, you will get a better understanding about what a boat club is, how it works, how we operate and what separates us from the all the other clubs.  

Destination Boat Clubs Carolinas™ gives you the ability to enjoy all the pleasures and excitement of boating without the hassles associated with owning a boat. The cost of boat ownership far exceeds what a typical membership would cost. Just the storage costs alone are more than our monthly membership fee. 

Typical considerations are the cost of the boat itself, maintenance, cleaning, insurance, routine repairs and storage. Our staff takes care of all that. As a DBC member, you get to enjoy what boating truly is all about – enjoying the pleasures and excitement of boating without the headaches, hassles and high costs. And what sets us apart – you get to enjoy that at Ultimate resort locations with all the amenities included in your membership at no additional costs. Not one single boat club out there can claim that! In fact our amenities are so great, that sometimes our members use the facilities by themselves, even when they do not go boating.



* indicates required

Destination Boat Clubs Carolinas (the upside)

variety of boats
unlimited boat ACCESS
no headaches/hassles

multiple premium locations
low up front investment
friendly dock staff to assist
unlimited on-the-water training

online reservation system
access to amenities at marina resorts
ease - "just get a boat and go"

Owning your own boat (the downside)

It should be fun, not drudgery.

same boat every time
slip/storage fees
insurance costs

high depreciation
towing/trailer expenses

maintenance/repair costs
downtime for repairs
time involved to prepare to go boating


Unlimited Weekday Monthly Payments as Low As: $299/month* 
Contact Us For Current Specials and Incentives


* Membership as low as is based on weekday boating at remote mountainside locations

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